A Full Service Boat Yard
MYR is a full-service boatyard and commercial marine facility. We repair, maintain, and upgrade your boat and other marine watercraft with expertise. We are a dealer of several lines of marine and industrial engines and sell boat parts and accessories. Our business also offers a wide variety of moorage and storage options at affordable rates. Continue browsing through this page for MYR’s boat service and facility rates in the Pacific Northwest. You may also contact us to learn more about our pricing.
A Full-Service Facility
MYR has been successfully serving the Pacific Northwest since 2000. From engine repower to blister repair, we do the job with honesty and integrity. We do the job right!
60–Ton Travel Lift
- 19′ Beam Capacity (24-Hour Emergency Service)
Mobile Repair Shop and Emergency Services
- Full-Service Repairs, Including Mechanical, Electrical, and Fabrication
- Brings Oxidized Gel Coat Back to Life! Buffing, Waxing, Varnish, and Gel Coat Repair
- Repair, Service, Repower, Upgrades, Overhaul, Oil, and Coolant Change
- New Install, Repair, Upgrades, and Troubleshooting
- Thruster Installation (Bow/Stern)
- Inverter Installation
Fiberglass Repair
- Modification, Collision Repair, Gel Coat Repair, Blister Repair (Large and Small), and Full Bottom Peels
Metal Working
- Welding and Fabricating
- Steel, Stainless, and Aluminum
- Bottom, Topsides, Varnish, Detailing, and More
Propeller/Shaft/Bow and Stern Thrusters
- Propeller Tuning and Shaft Straightening
- Thruster Installation (Bow/Stern)
Wood Working
- Restoration, Repair, Interiors, Structural, and Modifications
Work Haul to/from and Blocking on Stands
Haul Out and Launch (Includes Round Trip +1 Lay Day) – Minimum Charge
*Some vessels may have additional charges for special needs; blocking, straps, or pads.
Survey Haul Out (2-Hr Hang Time)
*Pressure Wash Additional + Environmental Fee
Haul Vessel to/from Truck
Please contact us for a quote!
*Plus Pressure Wash and Environmental Fee Required
Bottom Paint with Haul-Out Package
This bundle includes round-trip haul out, pressure washing, tarping, and blocking. It also has one coat of bottom paint and materials, standard prep, and associated lay days. Additional work, such as blisters, will incur an additional charge.
*Additional Paints are Available
Pettit Trinidad SR, Vivid & Ultima SR
$49/ft. + Env. Fee
Second Coat Option – Additional
Ask for Estimate
Barrier Coat Package
Specializing in Aluminum and Fiberglass; Includes Bottom Paint
Environmental Fee All Vessels (Flat Fee)
Lay Days
*No Charge While MYR Is Working on Vessel
Short and Long Term Available
Ask for Rate
Mast Load to Trailer
$125 – $200
Mast Stepping/Un-Stepping (In Water)
Ask for Estimate
Rigging Services
Ask for Estimate
Temporary for Repair Customers
Deluxe Detailing
Professional Buff and Wax Using Three Pass Process with the Very Best Materials from Water Line to Rail
*The Topside Buff/Wax Is Estimated Upon Inspection
Hazardous Waste Disposal Fee
Outside Contractors Fee
Must Be Pre-Approved and Have Business License and Liability Insurance
Emergency Services
Salvage Haul Outside Business Hours, (Min. per Man Hour)
Prices are subject to change without notice.
January 1, 2025
Services Offered
MYR has been successfully serving the Pacific Northwest since 2000. From engine repower to blister repair, we do the job with honesty and integrity. We do the job right!

60-Ton with 19’ Beam Capacity
Haul Out and Launch (includes Round Trip +1 Lay Day)
Under 45’ LOA = $13.50/ft
Over 45’ LOA = $14.50/ft
Over 65’ LOA = $15.50/ft
Blocking on Stands Under 40’LOA = $75/$150
Over 40’ LOA = $150 *Some vessels may have additional charges for special needs blocking, straps or pads.
Survey Haul Out (2-Hr Hang Time) Under 45’ (2 slings) = $375
*Additional Slings (if required) = $100
45’ – 60’ (4 slings) = $550
Engine Service, Repair & Repower
- Mechanical
- Upgrades
- Overhauls
- Oil and Coolant Changes
Labor = $150/hr

- Modification
- Collision Repair
- Gel Coat Repair
- Blister Repair (Large and Small)
- Full Service Bottom Peels
Labor = $135/hr
Brings Oxidized Gel Coat Back to Life! Buffing, Waxing, Varnish and Gel Coat Repair.
Professional Buff and Wax using a three-pass process with the very best materials from the water line to rail. Per Lineal Foot = $38+/Lineal ft.
*Topside Buff/Wax Estimated Upon Inspection
- New Installation and Modifications to Replace Old
- Inverter Install
- Repair
- Upgrades
- Troubleshooting
Labor = $135/hr
- Propeller Tuning
- Shaft Straightening

- Thruster Installation
Call for pricing

Labor = $135/hr

Labor = $/hr+

- Bottom
- Topsides
- Varnish
- Detailing and More
This includes
- Round Trip Haul Out
- Pressure Wash
- Tarping & Blocking
- One Coat of Pettit Bottom Paint
- Materials & Standard Prep
- Associated Lay Days
- Additional charge for any additional work, such as blisters
Pettit Trinidad SR, Vivid & Ultima SR = $49/ft +
Additional Information:
- $1,375 Min. Charge
- Additional Paints are Available
- Second Coat Option – Additional
Ask for Estimate
- Aluminum
- Fiberglass
Includes Bottom Paint

Under 45’ (2 slings) = $
*Additional Slings/Rigging (if required) = $
45’ – 60’ (4 slings) = $

Ask for Estimate
Ask for Estimate
Labor = $
Fee = $
Flat Rate = $
Must be pre-approved and have business license and liability insurance Rate = $
MYR Temporary Moorage = Lay Days are not charged while MYR is performing work on vessel